Sayyiduna Abu Hurayrah (radiyallahu ’anhu) reports that Rasulullah (sallallahu ’alayhi wasallam) said: ‘Make du’a to Allah with conviction of acceptance.’ (Sunan Tirmidhi, Hadith: 3479)
When asking from Allah Ta’ala, one should always envisage Allah’s unlimited treasures and power.
Hazrat Moulana Haroon Abasoomar (rahimahullah) had a distinguished level of conviction in the power of du’a.
When he had any type of need, he would resort to du’a in earnest and he would ultimately see the results.
Those who spent time with him would also witness this.
Hazrat (rahimahullah) had conviction that every issue can be solved through du’a.
He would fondly remember the level of conviction in du’a that his senior Ustad; Hazrat Moulana Muhammad Yusuf Binnory (rahimahullah) had, and he would quote examples of ‘Allamah Binnory in this regard.
Hazrat Moulana Haroon saheb (rahimahullah) would habitually recite the following words during times of urgency:
ياسُبُّوحُ ياقُدُّوسُ ياغَفُورُ ياوَدُودُ
Ya Subbuhu Ya Quddusu Ya Ghafuru Ya Wadudu
[This is a prescription of Hazrat Haji Imdadullah -rahimahullah-]
For the sick he would prescribe the du’a of Sayyiduna ‘Ali (radiyallahu’anhu):
اللّٰهُمَّ ياحَليمُ ياكَريمُ اِشْفِ….
Allahumma Ya Halimu Ya Karimu ishfi
[followed by the name of the sick person]
He would encourage its abundant recital with conviction of cure.
Hazrat (rahimahullah) was known for his lengthy du’as, especially on blessed occasions.
He would admiringly cite examples of the pious elders who would spend hours in du’a.
Hazrat (rahimahullah) valued du’as to the extent that it would pain him if he missed out on the opportunity for du’a at some blessed occasion.
As an inspiration to himself and others, he would also share incidents of how he witnessed speedy acceptance of du’as made by himself or others whom he knew personally.
On one occasion, Hazrat (rahimahullah) visited a patient who was critically ill with organ failure. After a few weeks Hazrat enquired from the father about the condition of his son. To his amazement the father said that the son has made a complete recovery. The father said: ‘I made du’a and I told Allah: O Allah you are Most Capable and Powerful. You can make the impossible: possible.’
With the blessing of the du’a of the father, the son made a full recovery.
Hazrat (rahimahullah) would often quote these words very fondly to others who had dire needs, as an inspiration to them.
He would also encourage parents to make du’as for the success of their children. He would say: ‘The [kind of] du’a that the father and mother can make for a person, nobody else can.’
In the latter part of his life when Hazrat took ill, many well-wishers would inform him that they constantly make du’a for his recovery. In fact, there were many who told him that they remember him every time they make du’a!
Hazrat (rahimahullah) would get extremely happy and become very appreciative of their kind gestures.
Such was Hazrat’s (rahimahullah) conviction in du’a that during the last hours of his life, he contacted many friends and associates to request their du’as. He sent messages via others to those whom he couldn’t contact directly, to ask for du’a on his behalf.
The reader is requested to kindly remember Hazrat Moulana (rahimahullah) in du’a whenever possible, as this is indeed something he would appreciate very much.
In fact, remembering a fellow Muslim, and more so a pious Muslim in du’a is a means of one’s own du’as being accepted.
May Allah Ta’ala bless Hazrat with complete maghfirat, mercy and the highest stages in the Akhirah.
💡Before sharing, please read carefully, understand and implement.
Prepared by
Darul Hadith Research Centre
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