The Ideal Muslim Businessman
Earning a living with one’s own hands/hard work 👏🏽
Rasulullah ﷺ is reported to have said:
’No one has ever eaten any food which is better than that which he earned with his own hands/effort. Indeed Allah Ta’ala’s Nabi; Dawood (‘alayhissalam) used to eat of that which he earned himself.’
(Sahih Bukhari, 2072)
💎 Morals 💎
1⃣ This Hadith indicates that the best food to consume is that which is earned from one’s own effort, eg. being involved in some profession or trade.
2⃣ We should not unnecessarily become a burden to others.
3⃣ Never should we consider it below our dignity to do any menial work for a living.
4⃣ Since the Ambiyaa (‘alayhimussalam) themselves would earn a living through hard work, there is none who can be equally honourable. It appears in the Hadith: “There is not a single Nabi who did not herd goats”.
5⃣ People should not shift their responsibilities and burdens onto others by begging, except in cases of dire necessity, which is considered a necessity in shari’ah.
May Allah ﷻ grant everyone barakah in their earnings. Ameen.
Darul Hadith Research Centre,
Blending traditional research with contemporary issues.
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The Ideal Muslim Businessman Broadcast
💎 V.I.P. Status for the Ideal Businessman 🎁
Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said:
’The truthful and honest trader will be in the company of the Ambiya, the truthful ones and martyrs [in the Hereafter].’
(Sunan Tirmidhi,1209)
Morals 👌🏽
1⃣ This trader will be among the great martyrs and saints of Allah Ta’ala who were such that, in every word and deed, they were most truthful. These pure beings (the Ambiya etc) are those who had made the object of their life the obedience of Allah Ta’ala.
✅The Ideal businessman will receive this kind of a V.I.P. Status!
2⃣ However, this does not mean that they will be granted the same rank and position as the Prophets & Saints. Rather it denotes a special kind of honour like that which is normally attained through continuously being in the company of the pious.
3⃣ To be in the company of the Ambiya, especially Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) is indeed a tremendous honour. Just to be in his proximity and to be able to look at his noble and radiant countenance is in itself an exceptional honour.
This is what our beloved Nabi (sallallahu’alayhi wasallam) has promised us.
Hence all Muslims should definitely strive to become worthy recipients of this sacred position.
May Allah Ta’ala bless us all with this ultimate bounty
Darul Hadith Research Centre,
Blending traditional research with contemporary issues.
📞: +2731 2011 824
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The Ideal Muslim Businessman Broadcast
👌🏽 The Power & Benefit of Sadaqah ⭐
Rasulullah ﷺ said:
’O Businessmen! In business transactions there [often] occurs useless talk and false oaths, therefore blend it with giving sadaqah [for its atonement].
(Sunan Abi Dawud,3319)
📚 Commentary
1⃣Unnecessary talks and oaths are undesirable. Therefore give sadaqah as a recompense for these unintentional utterances, which often occur in the marketplace.
2⃣It will also remove the pollution which may have entered the heart through such misdeeds.
Sadaqah in this Hadith, refers to voluntary, nafl charity, not Zakat.
3⃣Sadaqah is often recommend even after a good deed, to make up for our shortcomings therein. Like is the case with Fitra/Sadatul Fitr after observing the fast of Ramadan.
4⃣Simirlarly, Sadaqah also removes the ill-effects of sin.
The above should not be taken as an excuse for misconduct, thinking it can be atoned for with sadaqah later. Premeditated sins are detrimental.
Darul Hadith Research Centre,
Blending traditional research with contemporary issues.
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The Ideal Muslim Businessman Broadcast
The Harms of Haram❗
Rasulullah ﷺ said:
“The flesh that is nourished with Haraam earnings will never enter Jannah. And for such flesh, Jahannam is the rightful place.”
(Musnad Ahmad, 14441)
1⃣ This means that he who consumes Haraam will never enter Jannah without first having being punished [unless he repents before death].
2⃣ However, this does not mean that such a person will, like the disbelievers, never enter Jannah.
3⃣ If a person dies on Islam whilst having consumed Haraam, he will first be punished in Jahannam for his sins and thereafter enter Jannah.
4⃣ If he repents before death and fulfilled the rightful dues owed, then Allah Ta’ala will forgive this sin and hopefully he shall be saved from the punishment that is mentioned in the Hadith.
Lets clear ourselves in this world & repent before death. Allah Ta’ala is always ready to forgive.
Darul Hadith Research Centre,
Blending traditional research with contemporary issues.
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The Ideal Muslim Businessman Broadcast
The reward of Charity even for what we consume ✅
Sayyiduna Abu Sa’eed Khudri (radiyallahu’anhu) reports that Rasulullah ﷺ said:
’The one who earns halaal wealth and thereafter eats or clothes himself or clothes any of Allah’s creation, will have that deed recorded for him as a charitable one.
(Sahih Ibn Hibban,4236)
✏ Explanation
1⃣ This Hadith promises the reward of sadaqah, even for what one consumes. However, this only applies if it was acquired from halal sources.
2⃣ To be charitable with haram wealth doesn’t yield any reward.
3⃣ In Business, one who has the correct intention & strives to earn an honest, halal income can attain the highest of ranks. 👌🏽
Darul Hadith Research Centre,
Blending traditional research with contemporary issues.
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The Ideal Muslim Businessman Broadcast
When in doubt, stay out ⛔
Rasulullah ﷺ is reported to have said:
’The Halaal things are clear and the Haraam things are clear, and between them there are the doubtful matters.’
(Sahih Bukhari,52)
1⃣ Doubtful things are those which a person is undecided as to whether it is Halaal or Haraam.
2⃣ If one does not abstain from doubtful things and accepts any form of wealth coming to him, he will soon find himself consuming Haraam.
3⃣ Whoever abstains from doubtful things saves his reputation, Deen and saves himself from the punishment of Jahannam.
4⃣ The attainment of Taqwa is dependant on the purity of the heart and purity of the heart depends on Halaal sustenance.
May Allah Ta’ala inspire us to practice and abide by the Sunnah teachings of Nabi ﷺ at all times.
Darul Hadith Research Centre,
Blending traditional research with contemporary issues.
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The Ideal Muslim Businessman Broadcast
⛔ False promises ❗❌
Sayyiduna Abu Hurayrah (radiyallahu ‘anhu) reports that Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: ’Taking [false] oaths will hasten the sale of the commodity but will destroy the barakah.’
(Sahih Bukhari, Hadith:2087 , Sahih Muslim, Hadith:1606)
💡 Points to Ponder 💡
One who blatantly takes false oaths in business deals, should ponder over the following:
1. When the oath is false, the barakah will be lost.
2. Taking a false oath is a form of extreme disrespect towards Allah Ta’ala.
3. Some traders are fond of taking oaths so that clients may gain confidence in their goods. By doing this, one gains nothing.
Ultimately, the customer loses confidence in the trader
& his earnings become devoid of barakah which in turn causes harm in this world and the Hereafter.
Let’s think further than our pockets
Darul Hadith Research Centre,
Blending traditional research with contemporary issues.
📞: +2731 2011 824
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The Ideal Muslim Businessman Broadcast
💎 So much more, just with the right intention ⚖
Sayyiduna Abu Mas’ud (radiyallahu ‘anhu) reports that Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said:
’When a man spends on his family and hopes to be rewarded for it, it is charity for him.’
(Sahih Bukhari, Hadith: 55, Sahih Muslim, Hadith: 1002)
📚 Commentary
Hafiz Ibn Hajar (rahimahullah) quotes ‘Allamah Qurtubi (rahimahullah) who says, ‘We learn from this Hadith that a person will only be rewarded for spending on his family if he has an intention of carrying out an act of virtue.’
(Fathul Bari, Hadith: 55)
💡One usually spends on his family to fulfill his obligation without anticipating reward. We should keep this Hadith in mind and anticipate reward even when purchasing basic necessities for one’s family, thereby maximising our rewards insha Allah. ✅
Darul Hadith Research Centre,
Blending traditional research with contemporary issues.
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The Ideal Muslim Businessman Broadcast
Hosting an iftar 🍽
Sayyiduna Zayd ibn Khalid Al Juhani (radiyallahu ‘anhu) reports that Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said:
’Whoever feeds a person for iftar, gets the same reward as him without any subtraction from the reward of the fasting person.’
(Sunan Tirmidhi, Hadith: 807 & Sunan Ibn Majah, Hadith: 1746)
✅ Imam Tirmidhi (rahimahullah) has declared the Hadith authentic (hasanun sahih).
👌🏽 This can be achieved without elaborate preparations. Providing a date is also enough.
Darul Hadith Research Centre,
Blending traditional research with contemporary issues.
📞: +2731 2011 824
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The Ideal Muslim Businessman Broadcast
The reward of being in the path of Allah, when earning with the correct intention. 👌🏽
Sayyiduna Ka’b in ‘Ujrah (radiyallahu’anhu) reports that a man passed by Rasulullah (sallallahu’alayhi wasallam). The Sahabah noted this person’s strength and vigour. They remarked: O Nabi of Allah! If only this person was [utilising his ability] in the path of Allah.
Rasulullah (sallallahu’alayhi wasallam) said:
‘If he has left his home to earn for his young children, he is [rewarded as if he is] in Allah’s path (sabilillah). If he has left his home to earn for his elderly parents, he is [rewarded as if he is] in Allah’s path. If he has left his home to earn for protecting himself [from begging etc], he is [rewarded as if he is] in Allah’s path.
However, if he left his home to earn for show and pride, then he is in Shaytan’s path (sabilish Shaytan).’
(Al-Mu’jamul Kabir of Tabarani,[19] 282. Also see Targhib,2516 & Majma’uz Zawaid,4/325)
💡 This Hadith so beautifully inspires every ‘hard earner’ / ‘breadwinner’ to rectify his intention and actually be rewarded as being out in the Path of Allah!
❗Likewise, it is also a severe warning against earning merely to show off one’s wealth & status.
🤲🏼 May Allah Ta’ala bless us all with the correct intentions in all deeds.
Darul Hadith Research Centre,
Blending traditional research with contemporary issues.
📞: +2731 2011 824
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The Ideal Muslim Businessman Broadcast
Admirable traits of a Muslim Trader 👌🏽
Hadhrat Jabir (radiyallahu ‘anhu) reports that Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said:
“May Allah Ta’ala have mercy on the one who is gentle at the time of selling, buying and requesting payment.”
(Sahih Bukhari, Hadith 2076)
💎 Morals 💎
1⃣ SubhanAllah! What a grand position of honour for those who are considerate and gentle when buying, selling or requesting payment!
2⃣ Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) made a special dua [of mercy] for them and his dua is accepted without doubt.
3⃣ If this had been the only virtue, it would have been more than enough. However, apart from this, the businessman will also be rewarded for his gentleness and consideration.
4⃣ If traders apply this principle in their business, not only will they gain the dua of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam), but they will also please their customers and see their businesses flourish. Customers will return to them…
5⃣ When a person follows Shariat of Islam, he enjoys an honourable life with ease and comfort and secures the benefits of both the worlds.
This noble trait of gentleness when dealing with others is quickly leaving the Ummah! Let’s take note and inculcate it, thereby inspiring others
Darul Hadith Research Centre,
Blending traditional research with contemporary issues.
📞: +2731 2011 824
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