مختصر مفهوم البدعة


This is a summarised version of the famous original title: Mafhumul Bid’ah, by Dr ‘Abdul Ilah ibn Husein Al-‘Arfaj. As the title suggests, this book provides details on the definition as well as the correct understanding of the label: Bid’ah, which is a common phrase used by current day salafis to discredit many legitimate practices. The author has cited 25 issues that were debated by the classical scholars as being Bid’ah or not. He then mentions 22 contemporary examples of the salafi scholars themselves differing on their classification of these issues as Bid’ah. The author’s academic style and fairness in discussion has achieved wide acclaim. A book like this should definitely be part of the academia of higher Islamic studies, as it incorporates among the most fiercely debated issues with the salafis.


About Darul Hadith Research Centre

It was the vision of Moulana Muhammad Yusuf Binnory (rahimahullah) that inspired our Ameer; Moulana Haroon Abasoomar saheb (hafizahullah) to undertake this initiative.

Moulana Muhammad Yusuf Binnory (rahimahullah) had established a research department at his institute, from which many services of Islamic academics were rendered.



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